Thursday, April 8, 2010

Incredible stories - part 001 - "The strongest thing I ever saw"

My friend Tony and I headed down to Drexeline a couple of nights ago, to shoot some italian 5-pin billiards on their nice heated Chevillote 10 footers, and to try some 1-pocket on their trip-shim table.
There is a guy Steve that has been working there forever, and although he doesn't really look old enough for it, he has asstons of stories to tell, having seen Cory Deuel grow up shooting pool at this fine establishment. Drexeline Billiards has been a Philadelphia staple since 1989 and houses an impressive collection of Billiard memorabilia. I highly suggest a visit if you are in the Philadelphia area - I'm sure the guys working the counter would be happy to show you through the collection.
Anyway, after Tony and I were done shooting, Steve just started telling stories, one after the other. I caught a couple of these on video. He's a great storyteller and I have enough material for two or three posts!

This first story is about about a gaff game that Cory Deuel once got into.

Do you have a good pool story? Send me it!

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